went dOwn to Suntec ytd tO find sweetie nd wenli- tO pas her her burfday present. nd guess what, omg! there's sO many peOple gOing to the IT Fair until the extend that they actually blOck the escalatOr. tOot tOot!
so we finally gOt in nd searched ard fOr Toshiba. chatted with them fOr awhile nd walked ard helping them lOok out fOr things they wanna buy.
, she gOt bOxed by wenli in the eyes. =x her spectacles went into her eye and its red like having sOre eye. i didn't believe it initially when they tOld me that wenli bOx her. =x omg.
anw, that was fOr yesterday. nd tOday, hell! ohmy. hOw i dislike mOndays
! the lecturers seems to like to intrOduce new stuff on mOndays. argh- it makes me gO mad!!
! i freakking have nO idea what she was teaching man! nd to make things wOrse, my bunch of irritating classmates were seating there making a nuisance of themselves tO those who wanna concentrate. GRR!
but other than that, everything was fine tOday.
! i think the whOle of ctb` 's having hOliday nOw? wth! why am i (nd laOda) still stuck in schOol? grr.
Saturday, June 2, 2007 @ 8:33 PM
phOtos entreee`
只要看到女人哭, 他就會手忙腳亂 。
只要看到女人哭﹐ 明明他是對的話他也會認錯和投降 。
只要看到女人哭﹐ 他會忘記了什麼是原則。
只要看到女人哭﹐ 他願意為她承受一切錯誤和後果。
只要看到女人哭﹐ 他願意用身體來保護她。
只要看到女人哭﹐ 他就覺得對不起她。
無論我多麼堅強和獨立﹐無論多麼討厭用眼淚來達到目的﹐當我想用眼淚的時候﹐我要知道我的眼淚還是管用的。 ©張小嫻
-------------------------------------------------let's start off with this:
do yuu find this familiar? do yuu? do yuu? -earnest lOok on my face-
yuu dO, don't yuu? it's my favOurite chinese stOry boOk when im was much yOunger! QIQI's her name! LOL! happened to find this whOle series at IMM's Popular tOday when i went with mummie. :D
nd i actually had the impluse to buy it, trust me. -rOlling on the flOor- but i really like her alOt can! :D:D
anOther one that i like alOt tOo,
Tricia;JiaHuan. one of the cutest creature ever appeared in my live. =D
ok. been wanting to share this with all my readers;
WAKAKAS! i saw him at Tampines bus interchange while on the way to find darling at her schOol.
dOn't ask me what it is. its sOme charity fOr sOme arts schoOl leavers or whatever. i can't be bOthered. just kept luffing nd feeling dumbfOunded, lOoking at him. >.<
spent the last weekend with them wOrking at expO. =) nice bunch of ppl who kept saying im pretty! =D -super huge grins- euphOric.
thanks, laOda. for 配合ing with me.
when im 21, i'd be
like this!! :D:D
nd yeah! i finally gO for facial again, after dinOyears! =D
my face's super clean nOw! but the price i paid is uper high
i did U.S today- dOn't ask me what dOes it stand fOr. i don't know. the facialist -
if there's such a word- did a great job, in making me feel damn damn pain IN MY FACE! its the place of my entire skin mass which i can't stand
PAIN the mOst! but she's really gOod larh. my skin's so clean nd much smoOther nOw. :))
the ambience was nice, it's superb! sO i didn't shOut nd scream like sOme pasar auntie. it'll be such a BIG disgrace larh. so all i can dO is to pinch myself. =S yeah. pinch myself to divert the pain-ness on face to my hands and my legs. my tOes were tightly tangled tOgether cOs it was sO damn PAIN!
but when everything is dOne, i enjOy lOoking at myself in the mirrOr even mOre. >.<
went vivO with mummie for lunch at LJS. ye-arky cOunterpersOn serving us cOld nd chewy chicken. -stick my tOngue out-
mummie never fail to pamper me, her one nd only daughter! she treated me to Ben nd Jerry's tOday. wOoper nice! =)
den we went off to fetch daddy frOm wOrk nd zOomed off to IMM. nd guess what, we stayed for
2hOurs in Popular. hahas! that's what will happen when yuu put my mum nd i in a boOkstOre. we lOve bOoks! :D
nd mummie bOught me a bOok; 我们都是公主. it's a gOod bOok- gOod chinese bOok. the paragraph abOve is written by her. ^_^
im having a gOod bOok to accOmpany me thrOugh the night. =)
oh yeah, im aiming JodiPicoult nd CeceliaAdhern's bOok. any one of it. -im hinting- LOL.
gOodnight wOrld =)
Friday, June 1, 2007 @ 8:45 PM
i feel safe.
yes, i feel safe.
in your embrace.thank you. =)