no1, i actually have alot of pictures to share. but im too lazy to uplaod. lately, the photobucket's kinda not working- unable to upload many at a go.
our trip to RP to find our lOvelies.
gagas. i think i lOok like some idiot here. =/
. in the end, it turned out to be like this. wugagas.
anw, i've was taken ill for the past 2days. went to the doctor nd had mc for 2days. woOohoO! slept at home throughout e afternoOn ytd. e medicine's making me drowsy. o.O
among us again. i seriously alsO dunno what's happening. hais. why does our friendship seems to be even more fragile than anything on earth. why could any one of us actually say that out so lightly
alrites. im so drowsy from the medicine now. gOnna sleep. will update with more when im better. =)
Saturday, May 12, 2007 @ 1:39 AM
hello fOlks.
have phOtos to share but decided to upload tml instead. it 1.40am in the morning now! chatting with qianhui sweetie for few hours..
sweetie, thanks for everything! :))
ended schOol at 11am nd went to imm with the SCians. :))
eff the CA. normally we need 45mins to reach the schOol. nd we met at 7am today; emphasis on 7AM! but due to heavy rain nd traffic jam, we reached the classroOm at 8.2o. nd guess what, she say she'll mark us zero since we're late for more than 1o minutes! what the freak!
so after lesson we went to talk to her, nd guess what she say!
unless yuu're taking the train den somebody commit suicide larh, if not no excuse.its like, what the freaking hell! but i cant be bothered with her also, so we just went off for th next lessOn.
anw, went to mim with qinyi, syaz, peixuan, yvonne, alicia, jarina for lunch. since we have 3GOOD hours before we have to return to sch for choir. yes yes yes! yuu got me right- im in choir! freagging funneh- Wilson Goh! he's actually the choir instructor for WWChoir too. so kinda like, see him before le. the damn funneh nd cute- his actions nd accent. ahem*
so yeahs, went back for choir until 4 nd went back to imm again. =x
this time, its actually to meet sweetie qianhui nd jennyfurr. in the end only the 3 of us dined tgt. jennyfurr came later.
bumped into henry at Cartel since he was working there.. catch up a lil only, since he as working.. den went off to meet darling chinyee nd ahbOo, while waiting for jenn sweets. so we parted when we arrived- leaving them for dinner (qianhui accompany jenn) while we bus-sed home from imm..
went tO chinyee's place for awhile. doesnt wantO go home so early lately. its like, bOredOm man! theres nothing for me to do at home! wth.
im like, SO
we shouldnt have eaten dinner so early; though i was hungry like mad just now!
its okay, at least i had an enjoyabe dinner tOday! =D thanks sweetie, for rushing all the way down. yuu made the effort! =D
oh yeah, thanks sweetie for being the
wise one.
treasure yuu lOads! =D
Wednesday, May 9, 2007 @ 9:43 PM
phOtos nd photOs.
let's start with laOda cutting her hair; slight difference. =)
yeah, we were supposed to be dOing homewOrk. >.<
yeah i know, self obessed! =)
befOre meeting sweeties; lunchtime.
met up with qianhui nd jenn last night for dinner at Holland V. dined at jenn's friend's family restaurant. very nice ambience! =) totally enjOyed the dinner!
thanks jenn! lOvely~
went off to
eski bar after dinner. a bar at Holland V tOo. depicted from the name, its freezing cOld.
so we were actually seating outside at the not-so-cold area. nd being curiOus, we mOved into the freezing rOom. omg, i swear its damn freezing! we were still luffing nd saying that we're served by eskimos. LOL! they really need to wear like that! the rOom was belOw 0degrees!
but still, we managed to survive there for half an hour nd shivered arOund!
photos photos photos..
fOursome! =D
qianhui nd me! =)=)
oh yeah, our drinks- didn't manage to take a picture of the shOoter we shared. its named
blowjob. gagas. but its not bad, except for the cherry sinking into the tiny cup. =x
she's indeed spastic!
the 2 Qs. qinyi nd qianhui!!
princess. jennyfurr nd jiiayan. :))
we're trying to be funny since there's no bartender inside!
me nd qinyi- uber uber cOld in there!!
yeah yeah. that's about it.
oh yeah
jenn, the date-a-single thing is funneh! nd lame. -.-
but i definitely had a fantastic time ytd night!
Monday, May 7, 2007 @ 6:37 PM
oh madarLings!
LIP SERVICE n. Verbal expression of agreement or allegiance, unsupported by real conviction or action;
insincere expression of friendship, admiration, support, etc.;
SOUL KISS/FRENCH KISS an open-mouthed kiss in which the tongue of one partner is manipulated in the mouth of the other.
my dear gurls, i heard from laOda e stOry. gagas. its funeh, i swear! um, at least it made me luffing for a solid 5 mins! =D=D not tt im luffing at yuu gurls, but its really damn CUTE!! i swear its CUTE okays!!
Disclaimer: this is purely jOking, no offence nd hard feelings yeah? im sure yuu gurls understand, since yuur always luff at my silly mOves. =x
Sunday, May 6, 2007 @ 7:56 PM
这是最后一次,哭完就要笑着面对你。but i can't seem to do it.
@ 1:29 PM
this is.
this is not the kind of friendship i want.
this is tedious. this is vexing. this is intolerable.
this is phuck.
i don't wanna do this anymore.
@ 9:59 AM
im a good gurl!
im gOing to be a gOod gurl tOday and stay at hOme, just like yesterday. was ill yesterday; flu, fever nd cOugh. panadol didn't help much. >.<
theres quite a number of gOod shows on tv tOday. im gOnna hug a packet of potato chips and seat in front of the tv! =D
im a gOod gurl! :))
Saturday, May 5, 2007 @ 3:50 PM
i miss yuu !!
i miss yuu i miss yuu i miss yuu !!
yes i miss yuu !!
Friday, May 4, 2007 @ 7:41 PM
or is it tug-a-war? whatever yuu call it. that's how im feeling larh. =x
WARNING: THIS GONNA BE A VULGAR ENTRY.blOody mOody nowadays. wearing a face to schOol nd anOther at home. i dowan anyone to ask about my problems. dOn ask if im okays. COS IM NOT. =)
yuu'd be greatly appreciated if yuu don ask me anything. really. cos im feeling
what the hell is this world coming to be!
-phucked up-
Thursday, May 3, 2007 @ 8:51 PM
lip service.
i can tell yuu straight, I DON NEED IT. ((:
save it for someone who needs it.
it'll only make me phucking pissed off. ((:
rar! school's getting into shape gradually. actually the clasmates aren't that bad afterall- bunch of cranky ppl infact. somehow im constantly reminded of
Fazilla. honey, i miss yuu so much!! =(
account's getting on my nerves, officeapp's gettin boring, business reminds me of
eddielau. gagas.
ramen tml! Tank's sch concert on mon- that is if sweetie's able to gimme the tix still.. :))
argh. im having a bad tummy now. rar rar rar! its freakking pain! isay Hello! to all the aches;
tummyache. gagas. wth is happening to me. im getting weaker nd warmer day by day. my body temperature's gOing up. they call it global warming when it happens to
Mother Earth. what should i call it when it happens to me? wugagas! ok. im lame.
-i thought im strong. i thought-i hate myself for crawling back to yuu.