fergot to add this earlier, my mummy is cOnsidering to get my a lappy! provided my dad agrees. apparently he thinks that a desktOp's better than a lappy. determined to persuade him to get me one, by June!! =D
phumph. re-entried for the third time. tsk tsk.
im feeling hOllow.
shOut at me now nd yuu'll hear echos.
i also don't know.
argh. weird right? i've never blogged this way. i don't know what's happening.
@ 9:28 PM
starting the pOst with my new dOne frame. :))
i persOnally like it alot. cOs its photos of my family, ctb nd energy. :))
send trucklOads of pictures from my phOne to the comp. but when i uplOad them on photobucket, it seems like sOme have gOne missing. =x
anw, i still have sOme tO share!
enjOy!the first share is taken ytd at WWSS Sports Meet'o7. i went with mary darling nd qinyi laOda. :)
laOda lOoks candid in this, nice!
yeah yeah, we're fOoling ard while waiting for my mum.
okays, i think this's damn cute! (cos got me inside ma=x)
yeah man, laOda nd mary finally take a picture tOgether. they seldOm take pictures tOgether.
^^^ the significant scene! all the hOuses marching in to the center of the stadium with the house flag!
EBONY ROCKS! though they didn't come in first this year. =x
this teacher is tall until cannOt. he can fight with yOngqi, 183 while the latter is 182cm. but yOngqi will definitely win, cos he's
MUCH YOUNGER!! this caucasian teacher is near to 40yr old nd has a 2yr old kid!! kaos, dreams dashed. =p
given the fact that he teaches PURE GEOGRAPHY!! yubb yubb, thes 2 pictures r -blur- cOs i tOok them from the ovation stand while
my brOther's seated beside the track.
anw, this was wad i wore ytd!! wOohOo, WestwOod no.6!! yada yada, i know yuu wanna say its not mine.
yeah man, it belOngs to my bruddar. hOckey shirt. dOn't yuu think its cOol? LOL. i like this picture alot!! =p
next up is tOday; Energy is in tOwn~!!!
ahahas, its made by Liyi's friend la. not mine. i don't have that kind of mOney to buy $71 wOrth of bling bling to make such NICE bOard. nd i really mean it, its damn nice!! i was so mesmerized when i watch Liyi dO Kunda's board earlier on at the airport. gOsh. uber nice de!! =))
at their hOtel; Meritus Mandarin. =)
cos fans weren't allOwed tO wait at the lObby, so we sneaked into the washrOom. nd as usual, we started taking phOtos larh.
see the auntie on the right? she's a big time id*ot larh. she lamented sarcastically,
this is a washrOom, not a place to take pictures.apparently we blOcked her kid from the basin. YUCKS! dOn't even dare to speak up in frOnt of us, she only say that statement when we were leaving the washrOom. -.-
i super like to washrOom de mirror de larh! like sOme superstar de make-up desk liddat! gosh, sO nice!! i'll have that in my rOom in the future! -make a mental nOte-
LOL, i didn't know laOda tOo this. but i think i lOok pretty gOod in candid shOts like this. lol, though i don't know what is chinyee dOing. =x
yeahman, we started out with such sweet nd nice pictures..
den we started cam-whOring
again. gagas.
okays. enOugh of phOtos. phew. seems like i just finish running a dunno-how-many-metre race. sOmehow whenever i try tO uplOad trucklOad of pictures, i'd blog nervOuslly. cOs i've ever experienced this senariO- finish my whOle entry den tadahh! the whOle page is gOne just like that! nd i don't know what happened! GRR.
wtf! sO im damn nervOus now. nd im gOing to stop the entry here nd blOg at CTb` instead. gOod night wOrld.
tml im gOing out with my 4darlings! nd im VERY LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!! =D=D=D=D=D